Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hello Everyone:

This blog has been created to inform our families, friends and senders of our experiences on the 2008 TBC Uganda Missions Trip.  We hope you will come along side with us on this God-journey.

The trip dates are July 24th through August 6th.  We will be updating as much as internet access and electricity allows us to do so.  We hope to begin the updates on Saturday, July 26th.  

Thank you for your prayers and God Bless you.

The 2008 TBC Uganda Missions Team:
Betsy, Amanda, Zach, Judy, Nancy, Drew, Bob, 
Ann, Don, Keith, Jamie, Dee, Larry and Joan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By now you are probably a day ahead of us. Praying for you, your safety...health & spirit to be at a level that Jesus can flow through and you can operate in His overflow. js